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The death of the swipe, and what it means for you.

Does your business use Instagram as a marketing tool for your products or services?

If it does, you might be surprised to find out that Instagram’s swipe-up link function is no longer available, as Instagram has retired the feature as of 30th August 2021.

This is no cause for panic though because, in place of the swipe-up link, Instagram has said that people will now be able to use a new feature that the company has developed which they call “link stickers”. Link stickers are an action that can be added on top of stories that redirect people to external websites.

Instagram mentioned that this new feature update will help streamline the story creation experience. Giving the user much more creative control on their stories, because creators can now choose whatever link formats they want as opposed to a generic swipe up function.

So how does this affect your business?

Instagram has indicated that only users who already had swipe up privileges (verified users or users with 10,000 or more followers) will have access to the link sticker option for now. It will most likely be available to more users in the future, depending on the outcomes of current evaluations that are being conducted.

This could allow for a refreshed approach to influencer marketing. In the near future, this could mean that nano-influencers can drive conversions from their stories, a benefit for smaller brands as well as an opportunity for big corporations to tap into.

How would Weve Digital take advantage of this?

By using our advanced influencer marketing platform to identify the best nano-influencers with highly relevant audience data and high engagement, we ensure you are speaking directly to your target audience – all the while tracking actual ROI and sales for your business.

Businesses and brands work hard to create and customise stories that accurately represent their brand identity. Through these new custom link stickers brands shall be offered more variety and, hopefully, yield more clicks whilst delivering a more seamless creative flow.

If your business hasn’t yet been granted access to the swipe up link function though, you’re not out of the race just yet - it might be coming to your Instagram account a lot sooner than you think.

We would love to speak with you about how to effectively utilise nano-influencers within your influencer marketing strategies.