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Extend your influence

Did you know?... User-generated or nano-influencer content can successfully drive your paid marketing efforts, without the big budgets of celebrity campaigns.

A lot of marketers assume that to enable an impactful and credible influencer marketing strategy it is essential to recruit high profile and substantially followed celebrities or influencers. That’s an easily understood assumption, however in a (now) mature influencer ecosystem the end user that brands are looking to reach are actually really looking for relevance, authenticity and creativity in the content they want to consume. Audiences are also no longer locked into one or even two content platforms. With YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and now TikTok offering multiple sources of engaging content, and all battling for time spent with their valuable audiences, there are tools available which allow brands and advertisers to capture attention and engagement in between those explicit walled-garden sessions. With this current behaviour of consumption between platforms, marketers would be doing themselves a disservice to not take an integrated approach across all available touch points.

The likes of Facebook and TikTok are financially incentivising the ‘best’ creators to produce content within their walled-gardens, however this doesn’t mean that marketers are land locked by this approach…

Brands can make a shrewd shift towards leveraging the relevance and authenticity of micro and nano influencers, whilst harnessing the power of the tools which bridge the spaces between the big content platforms. At the same time brands can avoid being impacted by the #AdFatigue that the followers of bigger celebrities and influencers regularly experience.

Weve Digital provides the agnostic tools for marketers to produce engaging micro and nano influencer content, then leverage all their target audience touch points both within the major content platforms, and outside with targeted programmatic social display.

Find out how we can help. Get in touch via the link below: